The Devils Advocate hereby officially announces its support for Jill Stein, the Green Party Candidate for president.
For some reason, many people stubbornly refuse to see that the Democrats are equally responsible for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc. With Obama now poised to strike Iran, the anti-war demonstrators who were so vocal during the Bush administration are dead silent. Even though Obama has raised military spending, sought expanded domestic, warrant-less wiretapping powers, and raised the level of overseas troops, his staunch supporters refuse to acknowledge that he has only expanded on former President Bush's policies. The Democrats haven't done enough to stand up against the Republicans and their evil domestic policies, either!
The Green Party offers an alternative to the criminal behavior of the Democrats and Republicans.
Below is a letter I received from Jill Stein asking for my support. Although I am unfortunately rather short of funds and cannot make a donation at this time, I urge every one of you who reads this to make a donation using the links contained in the letter, or send a check to the address below. Thank you.
David Settino Scott, The Devil's Advocate

For some reason, many people stubbornly refuse to see that the Democrats are equally responsible for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc. With Obama now poised to strike Iran, the anti-war demonstrators who were so vocal during the Bush administration are dead silent. Even though Obama has raised military spending, sought expanded domestic, warrant-less wiretapping powers, and raised the level of overseas troops, his staunch supporters refuse to acknowledge that he has only expanded on former President Bush's policies. The Democrats haven't done enough to stand up against the Republicans and their evil domestic policies, either!
The Green Party offers an alternative to the criminal behavior of the Democrats and Republicans.
Below is a letter I received from Jill Stein asking for my support. Although I am unfortunately rather short of funds and cannot make a donation at this time, I urge every one of you who reads this to make a donation using the links contained in the letter, or send a check to the address below. Thank you.
David Settino Scott, The Devil's Advocate
Dear David,
I am writing you to say thank you for your very generous support of Cheri and me in our campaign, and also to give you some exciting updates.
I am writing you to say thank you for your very generous support of Cheri and me in our campaign, and also to give you some exciting updates.
We’ve been on a roll – qualifying for federal matching funds, getting on 85% of the ballots, raising nearly $500,000 (please donate to build on that!), winning unprecedented media coverage, and receiving a hero’s welcome on the campaign trail: walking the picket lines in Chicago; addressing Occupy Wall Street’s 1st anniversary celebration; Cornel West and Tavis Smiley’s Poverty Tour 2.0;
speeches before the Veterans for Peace Convention and at Fighting Bob Fest, and much more.

speeches before the Veterans for Peace Convention and at Fighting Bob Fest, and much more.
For the first ten months of our campaign, we poured the vast majority of our campaign resources into the fight to get on the ballot. We worked tirelessly to defend your right to vote for the candidate of your choice.
But now, in our eleventh month, we can say with pride that 85% of voters will see my name on the ballot. And now --right now-- is the time to this opportunity we've all created and to run an all out campaign to raise the spirits and win the voters of Americans.
We are already showing up in the polls, rising 2.1% in the last couple weeks - that's 2.5 million voters! Imagine how these numbers will rise when we are in full swing, reaching out to the tens of millions of students, workers, occupiers, unemployed, uninsured, immigrants, and advocates for peace, climate, civil liberties and racial justice who are looking for a real choice in this election that’s not bought and paid for by Wall Street.

But now, in our eleventh month, we can say with pride that 85% of voters will see my name on the ballot. And now --right now-- is the time to this opportunity we've all created and to run an all out campaign to raise the spirits and win the voters of Americans.
We are already showing up in the polls, rising 2.1% in the last couple weeks - that's 2.5 million voters! Imagine how these numbers will rise when we are in full swing, reaching out to the tens of millions of students, workers, occupiers, unemployed, uninsured, immigrants, and advocates for peace, climate, civil liberties and racial justice who are looking for a real choice in this election that’s not bought and paid for by Wall Street.
Nearly half of eligible voters are predicted to sit out the election this year because they don’t support either Obama or Romney. That’s because they haven’t heard about us yet.
Please help us raise our voices by making a contribution to our general election campaign. I am asking everyone who has yet to donate to make a first-time donation of up to $100 right now. If you do that, we’ll have the resources needed to get the word out, and harness the winds of this perfect storm for political transformation.
Here’s an added incentive. We qualified for matching funds in the primary. But during the general election, there is an even bigger, indirect match that kicks in if we boost our vote on November 6th to at least 5% of the total. Winning 5% of the vote in November will unleash a $20,000,000 grant from the public treasury for the next presidential election.
If we can raise as much in the next seven weeks as we did in the primary, about $450,000, that will allow us to run the full-fledged campaign that has a shot at 5% of the vote. If we raise $450,000, we can hire the staff to organize our thousands of volunteers to get the word out, we can resume our TV ad campaign, we can mobilize the vast networks waiting to hear about our campaign, and we can build the grass roots organization for the Green Party politics of integrity for the long haul.
Think about it. Raising another $450,000 now could mean getting 40 times as much money for the next general election. That is a 40:1 return on every dollar of your contribution!
By making a generous contribution now – at this time of urgent need and breath-taking possibility – you help fulfill the potential of this campaign and the Green Party to transform our future.
Please help turn this breaking point into a tipping point to take back the promise of democracy and the peaceful just green future we deserve. Go to to contribute, or send a check made out to Jill Stein for President to P.O. Box 260217, Madison, WI 53726-0217. Thank you for standing up for people, peace and the planet! ~ Dr. Jill Stein
Here’s an added incentive. We qualified for matching funds in the primary. But during the general election, there is an even bigger, indirect match that kicks in if we boost our vote on November 6th to at least 5% of the total. Winning 5% of the vote in November will unleash a $20,000,000 grant from the public treasury for the next presidential election.
If we can raise as much in the next seven weeks as we did in the primary, about $450,000, that will allow us to run the full-fledged campaign that has a shot at 5% of the vote. If we raise $450,000, we can hire the staff to organize our thousands of volunteers to get the word out, we can resume our TV ad campaign, we can mobilize the vast networks waiting to hear about our campaign, and we can build the grass roots organization for the Green Party politics of integrity for the long haul.
Think about it. Raising another $450,000 now could mean getting 40 times as much money for the next general election. That is a 40:1 return on every dollar of your contribution!
By making a generous contribution now – at this time of urgent need and breath-taking possibility – you help fulfill the potential of this campaign and the Green Party to transform our future.
Please help turn this breaking point into a tipping point to take back the promise of democracy and the peaceful just green future we deserve. Go to to contribute, or send a check made out to Jill Stein for President to P.O. Box 260217, Madison, WI 53726-0217. Thank you for standing up for people, peace and the planet! ~ Dr. Jill Stein