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Thursday, December 24, 2009
Israel Admits Stealing Organs From Palestinian Corpses
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ReplyDeleteWe would suggest not smashingly, in fact the estimated number of [KIA] Killed in Action would have to be [2K+] Two-thousand plus, wounded are generally [5X] Five times that amount, placing the figure at about [10K] Ten-thousand plus, and of that number [40%] have life altering wounds, [loss of limbs, sight, organs], that number [4K+] Four-Thousand Plus. So where did these numbers come from, [Thin Air], well not really, the Empire put out the below number but they don’t show the entire picture as anyone who is not in the Armed Forces of the Empire, is counted but anyone else does not have to show up on the official tally, and the common logic with [47] Forty-Seven countries, mercenaries, the alphabet soup club; CIA, Mossad, Mi-6, and civilian support, well the numbers have to be more. But, the Empire is very good at hiding numbers, and amounts, by putting them into little packets and bits and pieces, so the really large numbers don’t hit you in the fact, and bit them in the backside.
(U.S. EMPIRE): TROOP LEVELS: (100K) [937KIA] [4,434 WOUNDED] (north, east and Kabul)
Combat forces come in the same two varieties;
[1. Active Duty Military]
EMPIRE: Troop levels are now at [100K], of [2] Two Field Armies. The Empire counts it (KIA) in Tens of Thousands and doesn’t blink an eye, and will commit whatever amount of troops for as long as it desires. The Empire will move a combat force of about (45k) Forty-Five-Thousand men from Iraq to Afghanistan -- in part as replacements for troops rotated out and in part as reinforcements.
As of Now, American commanders have far exceeded the number that the Soviets had there in (1987). And by (1988), the Soviets finally woke up, cut their losses and quickly [retreated] leaving billions worth of armaments to rust along with, (14K) Fourteen-Thousand, Russian graves.
Despite the fact that some problems can not only not be solved with the use of force, and beyond that, such attempts inside someone else’s country end badly, and often end badly within your own country as the fight is carried to you. The American-Israeli Empire has been spending about [$101M/€70.1M] One-Hundred-One million dollars/ Seventy-Point-One Million Euros per day in its wars of Economic Stimulus of Resources and Markets, Blood for money wars. The financial cost of this war is nothing compared to the fact that [937] Nine-hundred-thirty-seven, American troops have been killed, and [4,434] Four-thousand-four-hundred-thirty-four have been wounded (and that’s not counting the thousands more that will carry the memories of this war for their entire lives).
The [Af-Pak] War of Economic Stimulus, Blood for Oil, Markets and Resources, is turning into an open-ended forever commitment of nation-building, in Afghanistan a government built upon corruption and inefficiency much like the Empire, to support the Aramco Central Asian Pipeline. With the Empire planning to create an Afghanistan National Corp Level size army of [240K] Two-Hundred-Forty Thousand, and Police force of [160K] One-Hundred-Sixty-Thousand to protect the [$2B/€1.3B] Two-Billion-Dollars/One-Point-Three Billion-Euros, pipeline that the Americans wanted to build from Soviet central Asia, Turkmenistan through Afghanistan, to Pakistan and India, the Central Asian Aramco pipeline, a consortium of oil companies, the same that control Saudi Oil, with an emir to be put in place with lots of Sharia law, which the Oil companies are more than willing to live with. The cost of maintaining the [400K] Four-Hundred Thousand combined force will be borne by both Empire and [EU] European Citizens to ensure the protection of the Central Asian Aramco pipeline.
ReplyDeleteThe support for the (Af-Pak) war from the Main Street American population is below (50%) Fifty-Percent, with support decreasing monthly, The American public, which had broadly supported Media Messiah Imperial Presidents determination to focus on Afghanistan instead of Iraq, has begun to question the wisdom of the continued American-Israeli Empire commitment, the Afghan war was deemed [not worth fighting] by (51%), Fifty-One percent of respondents in a Washington Post-ABC News poll, at one time.
[2. Contract Mercenaries]
A. Afghanistan Estimated number [165K] One-hundred Sixty-five thousand quasi-military armed forces, that have been contracted for since [20 January 2009], in Afghanistan.
B. Pakistan Estimated number [75K] Seventy-Five thousand.
The troops in combat support and services support come in two main varieties:
[1. Active Duty Military]: [13K] Thirteen Thousand
[2. Contractor]: Estimated [2K] Two-Thousand, The people cooking and washing dishes at Pizza Hut at Bagram Air Base, as well as the drivers who haul the pizza dough.
In addition to an Army Division size contingent of (40K) Forty Thousand Troops foreign troops in the theater of operation; [ NATO ] The North American Treaty Organization is now expected to increase its contribute by up to more than [10K] Ten-Thousand new troops - to the separate international force in Afghanistan, bring the number to [50K], Fifty-Thousand, a [Field Army].
AUSTRALIA: TROOP LEVEL: (1,070) (KIA/UNK) (Southern Afghanistan) are fighting along side of Denmark/Netherlands troops on their own in an increasingly violent battle."
BELGIUM: TROOP LEVEL: (535-565) (KIA/UNK) said it will add between (35 -65) Thirty-five to Sixth-five military trainers to a force of (500) Five-Hundred, and send (2) two more (F-16) jet fighters, bringing the total number it has sent to (6) six.
CANADA: TROOP LEVEL: (KIA/128) Canadian forces stationed in Kandahar fighting against Taliban gains in the southern Helmand province having lost (128) of their soldiers with the support in Canada of the (Af-Pak) Blood for Oil War, at about (35%) Thirty-Five Percent, with support decreasing monthly, Canada is considering withdrawal The Canadian government figures in Ottawa have announced and insist that that they intend to withdraw (Canadian Combat Troops Contingents) by the year (July 2011?). Here’s the [BUT] Canada's contribution in (2012) [COULD OR WILL?] still include a sizable military mission in Kandahar [IF] General Stanley McChrystal has the strategy right, [MORE MONEY, MORE TIME, MORE TROOPS, MORE MISSION CREEP, MORE ESCALATION, MORE UNVEILING OF REPEATED NEW STRATEGIES, IF I GET MORE, THEN I CAN DO MORE.]
DENMARK/NETHERLANDS: DENMARK TROOP LEVEL: (460) / NETHERLANDS TROOP LEVEL: [1,650] (KIA/UNK) (Southern Afghanistan/Uruzgan) are fighting along side of Australian troops on their own in an increasingly violent battle, Denmark Considering Withdrawal. The Dutch government has announced that they intend to withdraw their contingents by the year (2011).
FRANCE: TROOP LEVEL: (4,300) (KIA/UNK) (Kabul) Declined the request for additional troops, President Sarkozy France would not be sending reinforcements to bolster its existing force northeast of Kabul, but was [ready to do more] in the field of police training and economic aid.
ReplyDeleteGERMANY: TROOP LEVEL: (4,300) (KIA 35+) (Northern Afghanistan/Kunduz) Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, “We have a great responsibility here. We want to carry our share of the responsibility, militarily, in the area of civil reconstruction and in police training." (600) Six-hundred from Germany that was already in the pipeline, sources indicated that the Europeans would be expected to help by providing additional forces, more reconstruction assistance, and increased funding. The Obama administration wants to wait until after the general election in Germany on [Sept. 27] before officially announcing its wishes.
ITALY: (2,880) (KIA/UNK) (Western Afghanistan, Herat & Kabul) Italy Considering Withdrawal.
JAPAN: [Has Withdrawn]: Both men mentioned the stickiest issue in relations—the relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma on the southern island of Okinawa—but offered no details. Hatoyama has suggested moving the base off Okinawa altogether, while the American-Israeli Empire, and wants to move it to a more remote location on the island, as part of a [2006] agreement on relocating [47K] Forty-Seven Thousand American troops in Japan. Japan relations, with the Empire continue to go down hill on a daily bases. Hatoyama said he would end Japan's Indian Ocean refueling mission that supports Empire led forces in the War of Economic Stimulus on the Islamic Crescent, but economic aid for Afghan civilian needs such as schools, agriculture and police, would continue. Japan now demands to review an agreement on relocating American troops in Japan that the Empire thought was settled three years ago, but would continue its vow to cooperate with the International Community of Nations on combating climate change and nuclear proliferation.
POLAND: (1,100) (KIA/UNK) (Mobile) Poland Considering Withdrawal.
SPAIN: TROOP LEVEL: (12-600) (KIA/UNK) (Badghs) said ahead of the summit that it would add a small contingent of (12-600) twelve to six-hundred to help train Afghan army officers?
ReplyDeleteUNITED KINGDOM: TROOP LEVEL:(8,600-9K), (KIA 212), (Kabul, Kandahar, Helmand) British troops are stationed in Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand, province, a Taliban stronghold and center of opium poppy production where the leaders of a provincial reconstruction team, a unit of about (160) One-Hundred Sixty, British, Empire, Afghan and other civilians and military officers where working to rebuild the economy, improve security and increase effective government. The British have identified what they call ("the golden 500") -- government and other officials beginning with Mangal whom they want to stay in their positions in Helmand so progress can continue. The (“TEMPORARY UPLIFT”) of between (500-700) five to seven hundred increasing Britain’s military strength there to about (9K) Nine-Thousand, for a four month period until British elections to be held on [August 20] , with a planned withdrawal of all British Forces upon completion of the elections, where support for the war is waning. The British have lost (212 KIA) Killed In Action of their contingent. The death toll appears to have brought about a significant change in the way the British view the military effort in Afghanistan. In an editorial published in July, in which it predicted the British public would soon decide the war is not worth the casualties, the Observer newspaper wrote: [Lives saved by bringing soldiers home will seem a surer benefit than the unproven hypothesis of preventing terrorism with a war thousands of miles away.]
COALITIION TOTAL: (150K) One-Hundred-Fifty-Thousand Counterinsurgency theory concerning the time and the ratio of forces required to protect the population indicates that, nationwide, the Islamic Crescent would need hundreds of thousands of coalition troops, and the Empire’s [SOS] Secretary of State has states well over [5] Five-Decades, [50] Fifty-Year of Occupation, That is not inconceivable, considering that the island nation of Cuba has been under Empire occupation for over [1] One-Century, [100] One-Hundred years, and Germany has [60K] Sixty-Thousand Empire troops of occupation, on its soil that have been there for [7] Seven Decades, [70] Seventy-Years.
(Disclaimer: These numbers are catch as catch can numbers) It should also be understood that for each (KIA), (10) ten others are wounded with (40%) of that number having life altering injuries, and no total figures of (KIA) have been published in any articles.
ReplyDelete[National demographics Effects]
Now, many in the American-Israeli Empire choose to deny that racism exists while conducting a war against the Rag-Head Muslims, that judgments based upon ethnic group or race happens while they practice it, and that has always been done at the cost of those ethnic and cultural groups. Now, were not pointing a finger at Denmark as being a racist state, in one of its papers they made a simple statement of facts concerning the changing of its national demographics and there effects, in an article entitled Ethnic Population Increase Predicted, and that uunfortunately, the statistical trend had manifested itself negatively on the crime figures. The male descendants of immigrants are represented heavily in crime statistics as they commit [33%] Thirty-Three percent more crime than all other groups put together.
[2020 Empire an African Culture]
The fact of the matter is that the Empire will have a predominately African Cultural racial Demographics, by the year [2020] and sorry to say in the real world that does matter. No nation with an African Culture is in the top tier of nations, none are in the [G-8 or G-20], but nations with a predominately African culture are represented within the [G-77]. Is this a racist observation, which is for individual readers to decide, it is just a factual observation. This will mean that the Empire will be the only African Culture in the Northern Hemisphere of nations.
The question is what effect this will have;
1. Will nations which are now under the occupation of Empire forces want to so remain that way with troops of an African Culture, Germany comes to mind, Japan has already made up its mind it wants all Empire troops off of Japanese soil.
2. White Flight, will we now see an outwards migration of whites to Australia, or other countries which have an Anglo-Saxon Culture, one can not say it won’t happen as many South African Anglo-Saxon migrated into the Empire after the ending of Apartide, and the splitting apart and decline of South Africa, into yet another third world African Culture.
3. And how many other industries small, medium and large will follow that migration. And how many Anglo-Saxon White Cultures will be making it clear that they would be open to such a migration of both those who have abilities that their countries could well put to use, and companies that will provide employment for their citizens.
4. Will the Empire drop into the [G-77] from a status of being in the [G-8]?
5. The State of Israel, what will be the effects of its protector the Empire, becoming an African Culture? The Dollar will no longer be the base currency, it will be by [2020], a Diversified/Multilateral Currency Regime, with the dollar a lesser currency, [NATO] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will no longer exist, replaced by a European Rapid Defense Force of Defensive nature.
[Liberal Denial]
Now, liberals can deny or label as racist books such as the Bell Curve, and deny that White Flight does not exist, and scream racist, racist, racist but that is not the real world, racism has existed, does exist and will exist, that is reality. The questions that must be addressed by the American-Israeli Empire is just what effects the change within its own Cultural Demographics, will have. The results seem to be clear already the American-Israeli Empire is in decline the count down to [2020] has begun.
ReplyDelete[Jewish Enablers]
Bill Kristol has been called a Jewish enabler of Israel by yet another Jew, Spencer Ackerman, who suspects that Jews are the beneficiary, or victims of a cultural stereotype of being smart but of being mathematically superior, which Ackerman finds at least questionable, saying [Trust me, it’s not true]. Ackerman holds that American Jews are not only just a great friends of Israel but are Enabler of the state of Israel, and since this too fits into a view of racism, Jewish Senators could also be fitted into the category of enablers of the American-Israeli Empire of Israel, there’s a whole bunch — Boxer, Cardin, Feingold, Feinstein, Franken, Kohl, Lautenberg, Levin, Lieberman, Sanders, Schumer, Specter, and Wyden, made up of a very [Think Progressive] Huffington Post types, Matthew Yglesias, and Bill Bradley, and we can go into the White House itself with David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel.
[Warnings of Backlash]
Now, Democratic Liberals, along with many of the present day non-Israeli Jews deny the concept of Backlash in the [21st] Century or the existence of racism, which flies in the face of reality since the dawn of mankind upon this little blue ball in the milky way system. Serious Jewish Writers have written that in fact a Backlash is coming, and this can not be denied for every action there is an equal an opposite reaction.
The Israeli Jew’s and the Non-Israeli Jew’s can continue the blame game of [5K] Five Thousand Years it’s the other guy, and no one ever asked the question of down thru the millenniums why it’s always the other guy that’s been the cause of Anti-Semitism. In the New York Jewish Week newspaper, a column by Rabbi Ronald Price of the Union for Traditional Judaism begins, "In the [1930s], as Germany's economy collapsed, the finger was pointed at the Jews and the Nazis ascended to power. The famous Dreyfus Affair, in which a Jew was falsely accused of treason in France, followed on the heels of economic turmoil. It may yet be that the Jews escape the current economic crisis having only lost fortunes. But if not, there will have been [NO LACK OF WARING ABOUT THE THREAT]. This year, they will resonate all the more ominously.
There are consequences with the loss of Empire, and right now the Backlash against Jew is growing, Anti-Semitism both toward non-Israeli and Israel, which will be fueled that backlash will be both without, and within the Empire, the growing Demographic African Culture in a declining Empire is not going to take the blame, as the German’s pointed the finger to the Jew’s of Europe, the decline in the Empire will once again see the finger of fate pointing to the Jew, it always has, but racism, and anti-Semitism have not, do not, and will never exist, that happy dream has turned into a nightmare so many times while screams of you’re a racist are heard, shut up and get into the gas chamber, put your head in that noose boy.