Friday, March 19, 2010
Obama Speaks At George Mason University Patriot Center
Friday, March 12, 2010
The Occupation - Johnny Punish
Gripping images from the Middle East are presented with original music.
Obama On Military Spending
There is not enough difference between the Democrats and Republicans. Because I live in very blue voting district for the first time in my life I had the luxury of "voting my conscience," instead of voting for "the lesser of two evils." I voted for the Green Party candidate, not because I thought she would make a great president, but because I really agree with the Green Party agenda and I wanted to send a message to the Democrats. I agree that Obama was a better choice than McCain, but only by a small margin. Both the Democrats and Republicans have been ripping off the taxpayers since way before I was born. The thing that worried me about Obama right from the beginning was his warlike and hawkish attitudes. We need to stop giving money to the military and Obama never talked about that.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Iraq War Raw Combat Footage
This is some pretty gripping war footage. I don't understand why we send our soldiers halfway across the planet to blow stuff up. Why can't they build rails, wind turbines, hospitals, schools, and other positive stuff that we need at home now?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I wasn't surprised to hear about this, but it appears to be very interesting to the British. They also point out that a good deal of manufacturing in the U.S. is done by prison laborers who work for virtually nothing at all (slavery).
Mitt Romney Speaks Out Against Obama
I'm getting tired of hearing Republicans complain about all of the things the President is doing to reverse the damage of eight years of Republican failure. While Bush was in office, he had the luxury of a Republican congress that gave him anything he asked for. Without any Democratic restraint he managed to spend every dime of the huge surplus that was left in the treasury when Clinton left office and put the country deeply into debt with the rest of world.
The answer to the country's financial problems is really simple: Stop spending $3 Billion per month blowing stuff up half-way around the world! Over three-quarters of our national budget goes to the military! This money should be spent at home, building schools, bridges, and hospitals; it should be spent on building housing and giving food to our poor; we should be investing in a space program! Instead, Mr. Romney speaks about building up our military even more! He wants to pump up our troop levels!
Listen, the Republicans had their chance and clearly failed miserably with their warlike policies. The result of their failure has been pain and suffering all over the world, including here at home.
The next time you hear some near-sighted republican complaining about Obama, do me and the rest of the world a favor and remind them that it was their policies which got us into this mess in the first place!
By now it is clear that republicans only care about their stock funds and protecting their wealth. They make their money from the blood and sweat of the poor and human suffering appears to mean nothing to them.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Demonstrators Halt Traffic In Oakland
Assemblywoman Fiona Ma Hopes She "Won't See War In Her Lifetime..."

I would like to be the first to point out to the Assemblywoman that we are at war right now and have been in a constant state of war ever since the beginning of the Korean Conflict. I am shocked that an elected official of her stature would make such an outrageous and simple-minded statement. Please, do the world a favor and send the Assemblywoman an email, informing her that we are currently at war and have been for many years. Here is a convenient link to the contact form on her website:
Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else
I realize this will offend some of my religious friends, but this is too good not to post and I think we can all agree that there are some "inconsistencies" in The Old Testament. The main problem I have with religion in general, is that people often use it to try to impose their own ideologies on other people. The debate on gay marriage stands out as an excellent example.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Chicago's Gun Ban to Go Before Supreme Court
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is that part of the Bill of Rights which protects the individual right to keep and bear arms. According to the American Bar Association, there has been more disagreement on how to interpret the Second Amendment than any other part of the Constitution. Because there are supporters and detractors of the right to bear arms on both the right and the left, this battle will not be decided today. Other cases where the Supreme Court has sought to interpret the Second Amendment include: United States v. Cruikshank (1875), Presser v. Illinois (1886), Miller v. Texas (1894), Robertson v. Baldwin (1897), United States v. Miller (1939), and District of Columbia v. Heller (2008).
Personally, I don't want cops and criminals to be the only people with guns. I believe the intent of the framers of the Second Amendment was to prevent the Government from oppressing the American people through force and give the people a means to protect themselves against unreasonable government intrusion into their personal freedoms.
In light of the Supreme Court's recent decision to remove limits on Corporate political campaign contributions (effectively putting the US Government into the hands of private industry), I suspect the Court will betray the American people again and enforce the proposed weapons ban.
Here is a link to ABC's article on the subject:
Monday, March 1, 2010
San Francisco Considers Law To Target Homeless And Poor
I asked AI if it has been used to influence the U.S. Presidential Election and the answer was disturbing.
Question: Has artificial intelligence been used to influence the U.S. presidential election? ChatGPT: There have been concerns and investig...

I could be paddling a rowboat down Market Street in San Francisco after the poles have melted, and there will still be conservative fanatics...
Do you recognize this man? Most will say he looks vaguely familiar, and he my opinion, this is the greatest hero of the war in I...